
7 daily habits that drain energy

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Being able to multitask is a point that looks good on a resume, but actually only wears a person out. It’s not just about unscheduled errands and new introductions. Phone calls, questions from colleagues and other factors distract from the fulfillment of tasks no less.

Sometimes the need to work on several things at once arises because there is no clear plan.

To avoid this situation, it is necessary not only to keep a diary, but also to prioritize correctly. In particular, it is not recommended to postpone small cases: sooner or later all of them will have to be done in one day. In addition, it is important not to abandon the work you have started halfway through.

Poor organization of workspace
The work desk must necessarily be in order. This rule applies to the working computer. A lot of open tabs in the browser – a kind of clutter on the table.

It is important to clarify that this applies not only to the desktop itself, but also to the entire space around a person. For example, clutter in the kitchen or bathroom takes up valuable time. This leads to stress, and there is less energy to do other things.

Alcohol use
Some people are used to using alcohol as a stress reliever, a way to overcome a traumatic situation, or even as a sleeping pill.

When abusing alcohol, a person will not only lose energy in the morning, but also withdrawal syndrome (a complex of pathological symptoms). And in the long run – much more unpleasant consequences.

Even a simple “health shot”, drunk to sleep better, can lead to nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night and other undesirable consequences.

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