
Before going to bed, mother-in-law puts a clove of garlic in the toilet. A surprising tip

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My mother-in-law used to flush garlic down the toilet before going to bed. When I saw the result, I decided to do it too. I would like to share with you an unusual tip for the bathroom and toilet. It has long been known that the highest concentration of bacteria in our homes is found in bathrooms. If we do not clean them thoroughly, many bacteria and fungi thrive there.

The problem is that cleaning an entire bathroom can take a long time. In many homes, strong cleaning products are used for this purpose. Sure, they are effective, but they can also be harmful to our health and dangerous to the environment, especially if there are young children in the house. That is why it is better to try alternative, effective and environmentally friendly ways to clean the bathroom.

I will tell you about a method I learned from my mother-in-law. To do this you will need simple garlic. As you know, garlic has a strong effect on bacteria. It is a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory and also contains a substance called allicin. Allicin protects against parasites and bacteria and also fights fungi, making the environment in which they are found unsuitable for their residence and development.

Therefore, garlic can easily kill bacteria in the toilet. What to do. Peel a clove of garlic and put it in the toilet. It is best to leave it overnight, when the toilet is less used. The next morning, when you get up, flush the toilet under running water.

Repeat this operation at least twice a week. Garlic will help keep the toilet bowl fresh because of its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Garlic tea

Another solution that can be helpful in removing rust stains and bacteria from the toilet is garlic tea. It is poured directly into the toilet bowl. Simply brew the tea with three cloves of garlic and pour it into the toilet once it has cooled. I have heard a lot of good things about the properties of garlic, but I never thought it could be useful for cleaning the toilet.

It is worth trying all cleaning methods that do not contain harsh chemicals and are considered a friendly alternative to unhealthy chemicals. It is also worth noting that these garlic remedies are great for people with allergies. People allergic to bleach and other harsh chemicals can use garlic as an alternative cleaner for any room in the house without having to resort to them.

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